How to Simplify Bulk Edits in Elementor: A Guide for Large Websites

Managing a large website built with Elementor can be both exciting and daunting. While Elementor offers incredible flexibility and control over your website’s design, maintaining a site with hundreds or thousands of pages often means dealing with extensive bulk edits. Whether you’re updating product descriptions, tweaking design elements, or changing site-wide information like contact details or branding, making these edits manually can be time-consuming and error-prone.

For large websites, streamlining bulk edits is essential to maintain consistency, save time, and reduce the risk of mistakes. In this post, we’ll explore the challenges of handling bulk edits in Elementor and introduce techniques and tools to simplify the process, ensuring you can manage updates with ease and efficiency.

The Challenges of Bulk Edits in Elementor

Elementor’s page builder allows users to design highly customized websites with ease. However, with this level of customization comes some unique challenges when you need to make changes across many pages at once.

Here are some common challenges website owners and developers face when managing bulk edits in Elementor:

  1. Manual Edits Across Multiple Pages: Every time you make changes to global elements like headers, footers, or calls-to-action (CTAs), you need to apply those changes across numerous pages, sections, or templates. This manual process can be time-consuming and prone to errors, especially when working on a large site.
  2. Inconsistent Content: With large websites, consistency is key. When making bulk changes to important elements like product names, pricing information, or SEO metadata, it’s easy to miss a page or apply inconsistent changes across the site.
  3. Time-Intensive Process: Without automation, performing bulk edits means opening each page, post, or template in Elementor and updating elements individually. For websites with hundreds or thousands of pages, this process can take hours or even days.
  4. Risk of Human Error: The more pages you have to manually edit, the higher the chances of introducing errors. You might accidentally miss a page or incorrectly update a crucial piece of information, which can affect your site’s usability and professionalism.

Fortunately, Elementor offers tools and features that, when used correctly, can make bulk editing more manageable. Additionally, certain third-party plugins can further streamline the process, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.

Key Elementor Features for Simplifying Bulk Edits

Elementor includes several built-in features that can help with managing bulk edits more efficiently. While these features might not fully automate the process, they can significantly reduce the time and effort required for large-scale updates.

1. Global Widgets

Global widgets are a powerful feature in Elementor that allow you to create a widget once and reuse it across multiple pages. Whenever you need to update the widget’s content or design, you only have to edit it once, and the changes will automatically reflect everywhere the widget is used.

Example Use Case: Let’s say you have a CTA button that appears on dozens of pages, encouraging visitors to “Subscribe to Our Newsletter.” If you decide to change the button’s text or styling, you can update the global widget, and the change will propagate across your entire site instantly.

How to Use Global Widgets:

  • Create a widget in Elementor and save it as a global widget.
  • Insert the global widget into any page where you want to use it.
  • When you need to make changes, edit the global widget, and the update will apply site-wide.

2. Theme Builder

The Elementor Theme Builder allows you to manage global templates for key site elements like headers, footers, archive pages, and single post templates. This is particularly useful for making bulk changes to your site’s structure or design.

Example Use Case: If you decide to change your site’s header design, you can use the Theme Builder to update the header template, and the new design will automatically apply to all pages using that header template.

How to Use Theme Builder:

  • Access the Theme Builder from your Elementor menu.
  • Edit or create templates for site elements like headers, footers, or archive pages.
  • Apply the templates globally to the relevant pages across your site.

3. Global Settings for Design Consistency

Elementor allows you to set global styles for colors, fonts, and spacing. These global settings ensure consistency across your entire website, reducing the need to manually adjust individual elements on each page.

Example Use Case: If your brand undergoes a redesign and you need to update the primary color across your site, you can simply update the global color setting in Elementor, and the change will apply to every element using that color.

How to Use Global Settings:

  • Navigate to Elementor > Site Settings.
  • Update global fonts, colors, and other design elements.
  • The changes will reflect across all Elementor pages and templates using these global settings.

Plugins to Simplify Bulk Edits in Elementor

While Elementor’s built-in features are powerful, some tasks still require more advanced bulk editing capabilities. Several third-party plugins can help automate and streamline bulk edits across large websites.

1. Search & Replace for Elementor

The Search & Replace for Elementor plugin is a fantastic tool for managing bulk edits. It allows you to search for specific text, keywords, or phrases across your Elementor pages and replace them in bulk. This is especially useful for updating content, such as product names, pricing information, or contact details, without having to manually edit each page.

Example Use Case: If your business has rebranded and you need to update your company name across all your pages and posts, you can use Search & Replace for Elementor to update every instance of the old name to the new one in just a few clicks.

How to Use Search & Replace for Elementor:

  • Install and activate the plugin.
  • Define the search term (e.g., the old product name or pricing).
  • Specify the replacement term (e.g., the new product name or pricing).
  • Apply the change across all instances, and the plugin will update the relevant Elementor elements in bulk.

2. Elementor Finder

Elementor Finder is a native feature that allows you to quickly navigate to any page, post, or template in Elementor. While it doesn’t offer direct bulk editing functionality, it significantly speeds up the process of managing multiple pages by allowing you to quickly jump between them.

Example Use Case: If you need to update a similar element across different pages (e.g., a product description or a specific CTA), Elementor Finder can help you quickly navigate to each page to make the necessary changes.

How to Use Elementor Finder:

  • Open Elementor Finder by clicking on the “Magnifying Glass” icon in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Enter the name of the page or template you want to edit.
  • Click on the result to be taken directly to that page or template in Elementor.

3. Happy Addons for Elementor (Advanced Global Features)

Happy Addons is a third-party plugin that enhances Elementor with additional features, including advanced global widgets and cross-domain copy-paste functionality. This can be particularly useful for managing large websites with complex content and multiple templates.

Example Use Case: If you have similar page templates on different domains, you can use Happy Addons to copy and paste Elementor content between domains without rebuilding everything from scratch.

Best Practices for Managing Bulk Edits in Elementor

Managing bulk edits on a large website requires careful planning and execution. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Backup Your Site: Before making large-scale changes, always back up your website. This ensures that you can restore your site to its previous state if something goes wrong during the bulk editing process.
  2. Test Changes in Stages: Rather than applying changes across your entire site at once, test the updates on a small subset of pages first. This helps you identify any issues before rolling out the changes site-wide.
  3. Use Staging Environments: Always use a staging environment to test major edits before applying them to your live site. This helps prevent potential disruptions to your live site’s functionality or design.
  4. Maintain Consistency: Leverage global widgets, templates, and settings to ensure consistency across your website. The fewer manual edits you need to make, the less room there is for errors.


Managing bulk edits on a large Elementor website doesn’t have to be a labor-intensive task. By leveraging Elementor’s built-in features, such as global widgets, the Theme Builder, and global settings, alongside third-party plugins like Search & Replace for Elementor, you can streamline the process, reduce manual effort, and ensure consistency across your site.

Whether you’re running an e-commerce site, a blog, or a corporate website, these tools and strategies will help you manage bulk updates efficiently, saving you time and minimizing the risk of errors.