How to do Search and Replace in Elementor?

The Search & Replace for Elementor plugin provides a seamless search and replace feature directly within the Elementor editor, available for both the Free and Pro versions. This functionality simplifies content updates, making it easy to modify text, URLs, or images without leaving the editor.

Getting Started: Accessing Search & Replace

To begin, open any published Elementor post or page and follow these steps:

  1. Click the Menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top-left corner of the editor.
  2. In the secondary menu, you’ll see the “Search & Replace” option.

If you’ve enabled the Editor Top Bar via the Elementor Features tab (accessible from Elementor > Settings > Experiments), you’ll also see a Search & Replace icon directly in the top menu for quicker access.

Selecting this option opens a modal window containing all the available settings and tools for performing search and replace operations.

Free vs. Pro: Key Differences

The primary difference between the Free and Pro versions lies in the raw data limit for search and replace.

  • Free version: Default raw data limit is 300KB.
  • Pro version: Allows you to increase this limit under the Options tab, making it ideal for handling larger pages or more complex content updates.

Step 1: Search

  1. Select your Search Method:
    • Text-only: Locate and highlight text content.
    • Links (URLs): Modify URLs within your content.
    • Images: Replace image file references.
  2. Choose additional options:
    • Highlight Text: Temporarily highlight results for easier review.
    • Case-Sensitive Search: Match text exactly as entered.
  3. Enter your search term and click the Search button.

After executing the search, you’ll receive a response message with the number of matches found. If performing a Text-only search, matches will be highlighted within the editor. No changes are made yet—only markers are added for review. You can remove these markers at any time by clicking the Clear button.

Step 2: Replace

  1. Review the highlighted results to ensure accuracy.
  2. Enter the replacement text or URL, then click the Replace button.

If satisfied, the changes will be applied immediately. If not, you can undo the operation by clicking the Undo button, located next to the results message. This reverts the content to its initial state.

Automatic Saves and Safeguards

At every stage of the process—search, replace, or undo—the current page is automatically saved. You don’t need to manually update the page after performing search and replace operations, ensuring your work is secure.


The Search & Replace feature in the Elementor editor is a powerful tool for quickly updating content with precision. Whether you’re managing a small blog or a large-scale website, this plugin streamlines content editing, saving time and effort.

To learn more about Elementor’s features and best practices, visit the Elementor Documentation. For advanced use cases, consider upgrading to the Pro version to unlock higher data limits and additional customization options.